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Types (Element) Of Industrial Instrumentation

Updated: May 31, 2020

Welcome to my site. This my first article on industrial instrumentation. I am come here to share whatever knowledge I have. If I will receive continuous support on my work I would definitely love to go long way and make people learn in an easier way. This gonna be a most interesting site in which I will cover on instrumentation and measurement, it's calibration topic. Here, I am not going to cover in detail and make you feel bore instead I will explain in brief which will cover important points in easy to remember way.

Now, before starting a discussion of instrumentation system first let me distinguish the difference between sensor, transducer and transmitter :

1. Sensor - A sensor which senses physical property like temperature, level, flow, pressure, humidity, concentration, etc. and convert it into a low level of electrical to measure properly or to send that signal over a long distance it used circuitry which amplifies the signal to send it over a long distance.

2. Transducer - which convert one form of energy to another form like I/P converter (current to pressure) or P/I (pressure to current) transducer which used extensively with pneumatic valves where the signal needs to convert to perform a task.

3. Transmitter - now most people think that transmitter only used to send a signal over long distance.yes this is right but also it maintains that proper mA current is proportional to applied pressure. (i.e. let I have a transmitter which has ranged from 0-6 bar has applied pressure let assume it is 3 bar so it maintains that proportional current of 12mA Irrespective of applied voltage about till 12 v it hold its mA output.)

Let come to our topic :

Types of instrumentation used in industry

3. Temperature measurement

4. Flow measurement

5. Analytical measurement (PH, conductivity,etc.)

Click on each red text to learn more about each measurement types.

In the next post, I will explain each and everyone and types of each measurement.

hope you like this.

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