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Four Types Of Protection For Hazardous Location

You may have heard a lot of time or can familiar with a hazardous location or area in the industry. Where there is a hazardous area you need protection method to protect human, equipment and environment.

When the motor or pump is used in the hazardous location it requires to match with the specific standard in order to use it in a hazardous location. A different standard is used for hazardous area, every standard varies with the country but the purpose is the same the protection.

Standard like National Electric Code (NEC), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American Petroleum Institute (API), etc. used to define zone and classes based on application.

In this article, I will cover four types of protection methods for hazardous location.

Types of Protections are listed below :

1) Intrinsically safe proof

2) Explosion-proof

3) Dust Ignition proof

4) Fireproof or incendiary.

Let understand each method in brief so you people have a better understanding of protection method.

1. Intrinsically safe proof

  • In intrinsically protection method in which the electrical equipment under normal or abnormal condition is not sufficient to release electrical energy to cause ignition.

  • In intrinsic safe proof, it limits the energy electrical or thermal or you can say that the incoming power coming to the hazardous location is reduced to mitigate the possibility of ignitable concentration.

2. Explosion-proof

  • In explosion-proof protection, it used a kind of enclosure that is capable of withstanding an explosion of a gas or vapor and preventing ignition of explosive gas or vapor.

  • This enclosure is designed in such a way that it won't allow penetrating any ignitable material.

3. Dust ignition proof

  • There is a hazardous area there is a possibility of ignition due to dust. For that, we require to follow a standard and need an enclose which is used to prevent explosive dust to enter in.

  • When installed and protected in accordance with the original design, it will not allow arcs, spark or heat to enter in an enclosure.

4. Fireproof or incendiary

  • Incendiary means to protect against fire. This is a type of protection in which a piece of equipment is in-capable of causing ignition of specified flammable gas or vapor.

All the above-mentioned protection methods are greatly used in the hazardous area. There are classification, standard and classes are used for protection which I will cover in my upcoming article.

If you have any trouble in understanding or wants to know more about it or instrumentation, please do comments. I will revert back to you with the best answer I have available.

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